

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10 Random Things from the Unforgettable Walk in the "Paris of the Philippines"

"It would be nice to have hold his hand one afternoon while exploring Paris". I told myself.
The museum guide had asked earlier. "You alone?" Actually he is just stating the obvious. Hehehe :)
I promise to return in this beautiful place someday, with him :)

Silay City, a place nearby the City of Smiles (Bacolod) in Negros Occidental and was dubbed as the Paris of the Philippines showcasing many heritage houses and rich culture. Silay city tour, is a good side trip destination besides the Talisay Ruins, when seeing the Masskara Festival of Bacolod.

If you are a brave fellow solo traveler, well, it is then alright to roam around. But having someone beside you is another story that you'll surely enjoy walking with so much pleasure even under the heat of scorching sun. As I read somewhere:
One of the nicest feeling during travels is holding a camera in one hand and his/her hand in the other. 
Anyway, so much for these cheesiness :)

Let's see what's in store for this heritage walk tour in the so called "Paris of the Philippines"...
This collection does not contain all the must-see in Silay City, but for sure will give you a blast of overview.
So come on, let's do it!

1. Street Markers
Our tour will start here so watch out for this street markers. We can walk to Zulueta St. going straight to the most popular heritage houses.
 2. Balay Negrense

 3. Hofilena Mansion
I actually entered the ancestral house turned museum and I am in so much awe with the paintings, seeing the smallest doll and "stone" called "tactite"

4. Golez Mansion

5. The Pink House :)

Discover why it is called the pink house :)

6. The Shell (Sorry, forgot the name but it taste really good! People in Silay are very kind to offer me to taste it :)

Yummy! It is eaten raw. Just suck the shell meat from the inside using your lips! Good luck! :D

7. A mark of Revolution - a secret meeting place

8. Ledesma Mansion

Look closer :)

Lola doing some very serious business???! (LOL).. Sorry granny dear.. my silly camera's fault.
9. Locsin Mansion

10. Cafe 1925

The cafe seems to hold such history too. Perfect for afternoon date talking about what?
History!?.. hehe..serious?
A plus: An old but popular bakery,  the "El Ideal" is a perfect place for buying pasalubongs and also merienda for the tiring but very entertaining walk tour.

This is just one of the reason why visit Negros Occidental :) Have a great journey ahead! Let's do it!


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